A1 Improving data flow for early detection 

Current issue  

Occurrence data for invasive alien species (IAS) are currently limited and scattered among a multitude of actors and databases. This impedes rapid management responses to tackling established and emerging species. 


This action, therefore, optimises early detection and rapid eradication (EDRE) by centralising and standardising IAS data and making them openly available. LIFE RIPARIAS also develops an alert system of invasive plants and crayfish species that are not yet established in Belgium. 


A2 Improving data flow for management reporting 

Current issue

There is currently no standardised reporting of management actions to control IAS in place. 


To address this gap, LIFE RIPARIAS develops a management reporting system using standardised and quantifiable variables. This reporting system includes information on the type of management methods used, the management effort, cost, effectiveness and the impact of the performed management on other biota or the environment. 


A3 Assessing ecosystems and their services 

Current issue

As ecosystems and the services they provide are essential to human survival, well-being and health, conservation actions should not only halt the loss of biodiversity, but also prevent the degradation and enhance the restoration of ecosystem services.


To address this, LIFE RIPARIAS integrates the concept of ecosystem services to help identify the most suitable management and restoration techniques. This action, therefore, develops an analytical framework for the assessment of ecosystem services adapted to the case of IAS management. The development of such a framework is based on extensive literature review and expert judgement.


A4 Developing decision support tool for management 

Current issue

The costs associated with the management of IAS are high and likely to increase in the future. Choices have to be made to know which species and which sites should be considered as a priority for management. These choices must be supported by the best available evidence for efficient policy implementation. Nevertheless, currently, decisions about where, why and on which species to act on are mainly ad hoc and based on unreliable and insufficient data sources. In order to translate management objectives into operational plans, a workflow based on decision support tools is needed. 


This action provides a spatially explicit decision support system to assist IAS managers and policy makers in establishing priorities for IAS management programs and actions. The decision support tool provides information such as the definition of management objectives at the river basin scale, species and site prioritization and choice of cost-effective techniques adapted to site conditions.


A5 Identification of management priorities in the pilot area and preparation of conservation actions

Current issue

Financial support dedicated to invasive population management in the project’s pilot area (Dijle, Mark and Zenne) is mainly allocated for a specific purpose and lacks cooperation between the 3 regional administrative entities of Belgium. As a result, reinvasion is often observed from neighbouring and upstream areas. Management actions implemented are, therefore, neither sustainable nor cost-effective. 


The action allows the identification of the priority sites, species and areas for conservation actions using the decision support tool developed in A4. These priorities are implemented in pilot area through management plans (RBMPs) developed with field managers and stakeholders. RBMPs include:

  • Local management objectives based on the budget available for conservation actions, 
  • Priority species, sites and areas for rapid eradication and containment of targeted plant and crayfish species, 
  • Identified field practitioners responsible for each priority management action,
  • Financial, administrative and legal procedures required for each priority management action.