D1 Monitoring the effectiveness of the early detection and rapid eradication

Current issue

In Belgium, the ongoing management of emerging IAS is rarely accompanied by a dedicated monitoring plan aiming to assess how rapidly new populations are detected, how many populations are subject to eradication actions, how effective these actions are and how long they should be maintained. This prevents the implementation of cost-effective rapid eradication. As the LIFE RIPARIAS project aims at enhancing IAS detection and response rate and the effectiveness of eradication actions, there is a need for adequate monitoring.


This action monitors and, therefore, guides surveillance efforts to achieve management objectives. Rapid response processes and the effectiveness of rapid eradication are also evaluated and being improved. 


D2 Monitoring the effectiveness of management actions

Current issue

In Belgium, the ongoing management of widespread IAS is rarely accompanied by a dedicated monitoring plan aiming to assess how far objectives are met, if residual populations remain and how long control actions should be continued. This prevents management techniques and objectives from being adapted in order to become more sustainable. This also hampers the evaluation of the contribution to ecosystem restoration.


This action monitors the effect of management actions based on the IAS extent within the pilot area, the IAS local abundance, the restoration of ecosystem functions and habitat conservation status. These data are essential for the success of conservation actions implemented as well as for the selection of future actions. The LIFE RIPARIAS project will document the reduction in species abundance, improved resilience to flooding (protection of river banks from erosion) and improved conservation status following site management for 2 widespread IAS (H. ranunculoides and I. glandulifera) targeted by the project.  


D3 Impact of communication actions


The LIFE RIPARIAS project uses a diversity of communication actions that aim to raise awareness of a large audience; improve technical knowledge of stakeholders; and promote the prioritisation tool across Europe.

This action aims to evaluate how the dissemination and training activities have reached a large audience and changed the perception and behaviours of the stakeholders.


D4 Assessment of socio-economic impact 


The LIFE RIPARIAS project has significant socio-economic impacts. Beyond the effects of awareness raising and increased stakeholders’ professional skills, the project has also positive impacts on society through employment and internship opportunities. This project is using relevant indicators such as employment generated, gender balance, scientific impacts, talents attracted and the impact on cultural service for local stakeholders.